About Us
Current location/status: Israel - teaching(?),performing(?) and manufacturing equipment. as much as the new reality we created allow us.
- New tripods are up and running for sale!
- A new duo show - NASCIMENTO is in holiday festivals !
keep in touch!
**hebrew below -
Tal Taubenfeld is from Karmiel, Israel(IL/EUR residence). He has been practicing the Brazilian martial art of Capoeira for over 15 years, and teaching the beautiful art and culture whenever the pportunity presents itself. The discipline of Capoeira incorporates percussions, dancing, flexibility, fighting, and acrobatics and is what led Tal to begin to perform and work at The Flying Circus School.After being introduced to circus, he found great passion in it and began to train and work at the circus school.
Shortly after, he worked as a circus instructor and performer at Club Med Resorts, after a year and a half Tal became the manager of the circus at Club Med in Brazil and produced his first full-length circus show alongside his girlfriend and partner Maureen Lortie. Their show, "TAUBENFELD CIRCUS" received constant praise from the staff, management, and audience.
now after over 13 years of experience all over the world tal builds aerial equipment costume made,teaching and performing in israel and start to put roots.
In his free time, Tal is also a very talented drum percussionist and enjoys hand-making Brazilian drums known as Atabaque. He also enjoys making and playing Berimbau, another main instrument used in Capoeira, as well as Cajon. Tal is known for playing in many Samba percussion bands at events all around Israel.
“I believe that with Intention, Positivity, and Training we can reach any dream and any goal we desire.”
Maureen Lortie is a circus artist from Ontario, Canada with over 10 years of aerial and flying trapeze instructing and performing experience. Growing up, Maureen studied many styles of dance including tap, jazz, ballet, Pointe, Scottish, and contemporary choreography. She graduated with honors from Canterbury Performing Arts High School and went on to complete George Brown College’s Dance Performance Studies program in Toronto, Ontario.
After graduating, she became a well-respected certified personal trainer and fitness instructor, sharing her passion for health and happiness around the world. After 8 years in the fitness business, Maureen holds many certifications including the ability to work with clients with shoulder injuries, extreme weight loss goals, disordered eating, and athletes.
While working as the fitness instructor at Club Med Turks and Caicos, she began to train with the circus team and moved on to work in Mexico and Brazil as a circus performer and instructor.
Today, Maureen and Tal after traveling the world, continuing their passion for circus, performing, training, teaching, and each other in their house in beit oren, Israel busy building their circus company and aerial circus equipment manufacturing from israel.
hoping to teach their skills and passion in israel and expand the circus and trapeze activities in israel.